Let's chat!

Here's what we do!

For all our licensing services we provide the following where applicable:

  • Collect all required documents (NVIS, B3, POA, Original registration, Bill of sale)
  • Complete all forms
  • Ensure all applicable taxes are paid
  • Obtain new license plates/registration
  • Scan and store new registrations
  • Ensure speedy delivery of license plate/copy of registration (anywhere in Canada/USA)
  • Same day, detailed, invoicing
  • Access to registration images

Ontario Trailer Licensing Services


New trailer registration

Who doesn't love a new trailer? Whether bought used, new or direct from the manufacturer (Canada/USA), we can help you get your new equipment licensed and registered.


License plate replacement

Weather and age can cause a license plate to wear, corrode, fall apart, or fall off the trailer. Be sure to have them replaced to avoid fines or worse, trailer downtime.


Registration replacement

Registrations can get lost/misplaced, worn and damaged.  Luckily in Ontario there only has to be a copy of the registration with the trailer but if you need a replacement, we can help.


Ownership transfer

Whether you're the seller or the buyer, we can assist with ownership transfers.


Provincial transfer

Have a trailer registered out of province that needs to be registered in Ontario?  We know what to do.


Financed/leased trailers

Sometimes the vehicle ownership and the plate ownership are in 2 different names.  We can help get plates into the correct name and at the end of the term have it switched back or transfer ownership.



Need a list of all your Ontario registered vehicles?  These reports come in handy to make sure no vehicles or license plates that you own are missing and lost license plates have been cancelled accordingly.

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